How Laser Therapy Works
During a low level laser session, the cold laser is pointed at specific locations on your ears, face, hands and wrist. Nicotine releases endorphins, which give the smoker a sense of relaxation.
Endorphins are the natural chemicals in the body associated with the spontaneous relief of pain and stress.
When quitting smoking, a sudden drop in endorphin levels leads to withdrawal symptoms of stress, tension and anxiety.
Our laser procedure helps to promote the release of endorphins which in turn reduces cravings, stress and restores balance.
During and after our laser therapy treatment, you may experience a soothing feeling of well-being (easing the withdrawal symptoms).
Physical withdrawal from Nicotine is 48 to 72 hours and our initial treatments are designed to assist the client through that period.
Laser therapy helps to minimize or eliminate cravings and irritability. So you can focus on simply changing routines and avoiding your smoking triggers. Our program is drug-free, painless, and successful.
Innovative Laser Therapy utilizes a 3 step process to help you to stop smoking with our Low Level Laser:
1st step - We treat points for nicotine addiction to help block your body's need for the drug.
2nd step - We treat diet and control points to control your appetite and avoid excessive weight gain.
3rd step - We treat stress and relaxation points to help avoid withdrawal symptoms and reduce stress and anxiety.
Innovative Laser Therapy uses a combination of ancient healing practices, modern laser devices and supportive coaching to help you end your addiction to cigarettes.